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Park Guëll tour

Expérience international : Espagne


If you go on a city trip to Barcelona, then Park Guëll should be on your to do list! This magical park, designed by the famous Antoni Gaudi has a surface of 15 ha. Enjoy the beautiful view over Barcelona during this tour in one of the most wonderful parks in the world!
  • Notre prix 27,00 €
  • Quantité :
Park Guëll tour
Park Guëll tour
Park Guëll tour
Park Guëll tour
Park Guëll tour
Park Guëll tour

Park Guëll tour:  

The experience

Park Guëll, designed by Antoni Gaudi,was an order from Count Guëll. He expected from Gaudi a design of an elegant estate with family houses. Today it is a public parc that not only belongs to the city heritage but also to the UNESCO World Heritage. 

Wander through the magical Park Guëll and think about the nature and the design that Gaudi's park makes to an unique modern place. The stairs and the dragon is decorated by thousands of keramic mosaic stones, known as the Catalan style trencandis, welcome the visitors. The dragon is one of the most characteristic images of Barcelona. 

This beautiful park differentiates by the with trencadio covered, wavy benches on the place, which represents Gaudi"s work. Sala Hospitla exists out of 86 Doric columns with different paths in between. 

Vital information

Bilingual tours:

  • Italian is available on Mondays at 10 am, French on Fridays at 10 am from April to October. 
  • English and Spanish are available the whole year through. 


  • From April to October: English is daily available at 11 am and on Wednesdays at 10 am. 
  • From April to October: German is available on Saturdays at 10 am. 
  • From April to September: English is daily available at 6:30 pm. 

The weather

The Parl Guëll tour is not dependent on the weather.  

Session length

The tour in Park Guëll takes one hour and 30 minutes.  


This ticket is valid for one person (7+). Kids up to and including 6 years have free entrance. 

What to wear

Dress comfortable and wear good walking shoes. 


The Park Guëll tour is available the whole year through.  


Park Guëll, Barcelona, Spain.

Code : ES10032781

Park Guëll tour:

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  • Notre prix 27,00 €
  • Quantité :
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Baptême de l'air hélicoptère Belgique pour 3 Une expérience extraordinaire pour mon départ en retraite que je ne suis pas prêt d'oublier !! Jacky

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